The LST Publications Office provides support for the academic publication needs of Loyola School of Theology and its affiliates

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The scholarly journal of Loyola School of Theology, LANDAS (Filipino for “path” or “way”) publishes articles on Biblical studies, the various subdisciplines of theology, and how these relate and intersect with other fields of study. Click here to browse past issues and/or submit a manuscript.

Loyola Papers

The LOYOLA PAPERS serves as a platform for LST students and alumni—as contributors and/or as readers—to reflect theologically in the context of their Asian, African, Latin American, and other worldwide realities. Click here to browse past issues and/or submit a manuscript.

Loyola Monographs

Loyola Monographs features the doctoral dissertations of the faculty of Loyola School of Theology.

Loyola Studies

Loyola Studies features exceptional doctoral dissertations by graduate students from Loyola School of Theology and beyond.


Our catalog of books by scholars and faculty from Loyola School of Theology and beyond.


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